
MAD Hippies Life, Memories, Running Away Was Not an OptionKeepsakes, Family Photos, Polaroids

Who are we and what are we MAD about?

The short answer. We are Miller and Debbie (MAD), a husband and wife team that are avid hikers, backpackers and photographers in Colorado. Our posts cover, not only our raw and unfiltered life adventures, but reviews of our gear and the trails we love to explore, including an amazing 500 mile thru hike of the Colorado Trail. We met in high school back in the early 1980s, eloped and never looked back.

The long answer. We’re MAD about each other.

Quite frankly the term “MAD” has been with us since the beginning. Back in the day, when we were teenagers walking thru the mall, we saw a t-shirt booth where you could have a custom shirt made in a matter of minutes. Click, the light went on and off we went to have two shirts made that simply said, “We’re MAD” on them.

That having several meanings, the most notable, our names, Miller and Debbie. Simple enough, right? From there it just grew on us. When we would wear the shirts people would ask, “what are you MAD about?” We would simply smile and reply, “each other.”

Now, some 30+ years later, the same still holds true, we’re still two head over heels teenagers experiencing life together. We love the outdoors and spend much of our time in the backcountry of Colorado, photographing and absorbing the awesome beauty of the Rocky Mountain Alpine.

Each day is a unique opportunity to make memories and embrace life. Live your passion!

Our Hippie Life is a mindset, our views and passions. We have always been free spirited explorers walking this life side by side. We are: high school sweethearts, soulmates, best friends, hikers, backpackers, explorers, photographers, vegetarians, parents and grandparents. Our interests deepen within music, kabbalah, psychology, science, astrology, numerology and patterns found in nature. We love spending time with family, friends, our pups and each other.